Customers also have at their disposal Official Complaints Sheets, in electronic format for completion and presentation online or in printed format, which must be submitted duly completed at the Consumer Information Office corresponding to their municipality or island, or if there is none, directly to the Directorate General for Trade and Consumer Affairs of the Canary Islands Government, by presentation at any of the registers provided for in Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations or electronically through the electronic headquarters of the corresponding body.
In order for the Official Complaints Form to be accepted by the Consumer Affairs Bodies, it is an essential requirement to have previously submitted the complaint to the company's Customer Service Department and to enclose proof of the same, together with the reply received from the company.
In addition, customers have at their disposal the official forms in case of a tourist intermediation service, such as park tickets, in accordance with the provisions of Decree 77/2022 of April 7.